LOVE & LONGING Exhibition @rootdivision

Posted by carissa potter carlson on

Mel Day
2nd Sat Reception: 
Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Exhibition Dates: 
Nov 4, 2017 to Dec 2, 2017

"Now that my ladder’s gone, / I must lie down where all the ladders start, / In the foul rag-and-bone shop of the heart.”—W. B. Yeats

Love & Longing shares descents into the unknown, artistic responses that perpetuate their own kind of fulfillment—“when the dark becomes another kind of lover” (John Tarrant). Through trying circumstances and a multiplicity of entanglements, the works in Love & Longing share a sensibility fraught with loss, and reactions layered over time.

The exhibition includes works that chip—or pound—away at the wall separating art and life—that challenge, complicate, intensify, confront, and grapple with engagement and connection. Drawing upon a wide range of media and conceptual strategies—from the unflinchingly serious to the deadpan, from one-on-one to participatory encounters—the art works selected visually and aurally engage with unlikely, ungraspable hope, and a call for radical empathy and deepening relationships, in our own dark time.

Participatory Projects:

Saturday, November 11th, 7-10 pm
Carissa Potter Carlson invites visitors to participate in her collaborative performance, “Perhaps the One and Only Love & Longing Choir” during the Love & Longing opening reception.

Saturday November 18th, 2-6 pm
Photographer Kija Lucas invites visitors to bring objects of sentimental value which she will photograph and add to her ongoing project and archive “Objects to Remember You By: An Index of Sentiment.”
Drop in with a special object for the artist to photograph!

Image credit: Moir Clements

Exhibition Artists: 

EfrenAve in collaboration with Pedro Alvarez Perez
Carissa Potter Carlson
Moir Clements (1924-2015) in collaboration with Mel Day and Laurence Upton
Mark Clintberg
Miriam Dym
Jonn Herschend
Chris Komater
Kija Lucas**
Linda Mary Montano
Jillian McDonald
Peggy Phelan
Joel Daniel Phillips
Dario Robleto
Mark Stock (1951-2014) in collaboration with Gary Janis
The Welcome Project
And a curated video sampler by Mel Day** in collaboration with Nadav Assor, Jaime Cortez, Christopher Scott and Michelle Wilson and other guest artists TBA.

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